Podcast Host, Performance Coach, Tedx Speaker & Entrepreneur.
Hey Everyone, I’m Shivani Pau. A former management consultant turned Podcaster, entrepreneur, speaker and soon to be… well you’ll have to wait!
I’ve been creating podcasts for over 3 years and lots of people ask me how I ended up here! So here’s a few facts about me!
Born and raised in London! My birthday is the 16th July 1993! Feel free to like a new video as my birthday gift every year 😉
I graduated from Warwick University with a Law and Sociology degree and then went back to Warwick to study at their business school (WBS) postgraduate
My first graduate scheme was with Eon and I then worked at Atos as a change management consultant
During lockdown I started my podcast A Millennial Mind- best thing I ever did.
I started coaching and realised that there was a simple template that could help anyone reach their goals and that’s when I created My Performance Planner.
In September 2022 I decided to quit my corporate job and dive deep into building my podcast, planner & coaching business
Since then I have led workshops and been asked to speak around productivity, performance and mental health at companies like AIG, McKinsey & Co, Redkite, Pay Uk, TSB and more!
I was also invited to speak at TedXWarwick where I shared how “How Conforming Is KILLING Your Creativity” (trust me it really is)
I’ve started a brand new YouTube channel where I share different tips, strategies, book summaries and more about this wonderful journey that I’m on!
As you can see I haven’t really taken the conventional path of a young Indian girl. I have had to take risks, battle with my self doubt and unlearn so much. But I’m determined to prove myself right and I’m excited to see where this unknown blueprint takes me, so follow me along my journey below!